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 Moving in

TV & Internet

TV licence
GEZ - 5
0656 Köln

Tel: 0221 50 61 11
Fax: 0221 50 61 11
E-mail: infoATgez.de
Internet: http://www.gez.de

All audio or video machines are taxed. You must declare to GEZ (Gebühreneinzugszentrale) all that you own (TV, radio, Hi-fi, DVD). In order to do that, you just complete the form that you will find in all banks.

You can pay monthly, quarterly or yearly. The fee is 75€ a year.

The cable

DTKS de Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom Kabel Service GmbH
Welschnonnenstrasse 7
53111 Bonn
Information : 0180 323 65 86


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