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Tourism and Sightseeing

Tourist Office in Sofia

You can find the tourist center to receive information about what to do and see in Sofia and Bulgaria downtown at Sofia University. It is in the underpass entrance of the university and there you will find many brochures and information. It is open Monday through Friday from 9:30AM to 6:30PM.

Sightseeing in Sofia

One of the best things to do in Sofia is sightsee. There is so much history to see, shopping to do, and food to taste. You can easily spend your day just sightseeing and visiting all of the well-known places in Sofia.

Tours in Sofia

There are several tours offered throughout the day in Sofia. You can do a tour by foot or bus and enjoy the sights and/or Bulgarian cuisine. There is also an option to take day trips to other cities outside of the city by taking a bus. Most tours range in price from 20 to 50 Euros.

Festivals in Sofia

Bulgarians have a great cultural tradition that started in the Communist years. Even with little money, Bulgarians have always found a way to celebrate their culture and the arts.
Many well-known singers have sung at festivals in Bulgaria and the concerts usually take place in football stadiums during the summer months. Pop and rock concerts and shows can be expensive for locals, but a steal for those coming from other countries. Sofia also hosts festivals based around comics and fantasy movies such as AniPlay and Comic Con.

Discounts in Bulgaria

There are discounts available for tourist attractions. Some attractions offer deals if you buy more than one ticker or for a family. Discounts can be offered to students or retired people. It is always good to ask before buying any tickets or look online for specials and discounts.


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