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⌸ EN Magazine The rebirth of Europe’s sleeper trains

Discussion dans 'Magazine' démarrée par KashGo, 6 Février 2023.

  1. KashGo

    KashGo Addicted member

    Inscrit depuis le :
    10 Octobre 2020
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    "J'aime" reçus :
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    Sud Africain (ZA)
    English, Afrikaans
    Years ago, overnight sleeper trains connected major cities in Europe and it was a popular way to travel within the continent. Train routes were well established and trains were a convenient, yet exciting way to travel. You could fall asleep in one country and get up in another.

    It was mostly due to various policy changes favouring air travel and the consequent flood of cheaper flights that sidelined the sleeper train journey.

    However, the slumbering overnight sleeper train is being revived amidst renewed investment and rapidly gaining popularity again. Rail travel is getting ‘back on track’ because of rising climate concerns, decarbonisation policies across Europe and changes in opinion after the recent pandemic.

    Read our article: The rebirth of Europe’s sleeper trains

    Tell us your experience with sleepers. Do you miss them? Do you intend to use them?

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