Foro Latvia

Foros de la expatriación en Latvia: Haz preguntas y participa en las discusiones de los expatriados.

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☛ EN Advice Life in Latvia

Tema en 'Latvia' comenzado por EasyExpat, 18 de Marzo de 2010.

  1. EasyExpat

    EasyExpat Administrator
    Miembro del Equipo

    Se incorporó:
    10 de Febrero de 2003
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Reino Unido
    Británico (GB)
    English, Français

    You are living in Latvia, or you used to live in Latvia. How did you decide to move to Latvia?

    Help the community and share your experience as an expatriate in Latvia. :idea:

    Was it a difficult move? Was it complicated to find a job in Latvia? To find an accommodation in Latvia?

    Did you have some visa/immigration issue to go to Latvia? Or maybe everything was organised by your company for professional move?

    :arrow: You can share here the different steps of your move in Latvia. What would you recommend to people who would like to live in Latvia?

    Thanks in advance for sharing and giving advice. :cool:
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