Forum Dublin

Fora Expat w Dublin: Zadawaj pytania I bierz udzial w dyskusjach dotyczących zycia Expats.

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☛ EN Advice Activities in Dublin during the school holidays

Temat na forum 'Dublin' rozpoczęty przez EasyExpat, Wrzesień 26, 2018.

  1. EasyExpat

    EasyExpat Administrator
    Członek Załogi

    Luty 10, 2003
    Wielka Brytania
    Brytyjski (GB)
    English, Français
    Hello everyone,

    Occupying children during school holidays can quickly become a real headache for parents! When you are abroad, this can be even more difficult or expensive.

    What to do to keep your kids occupied and find activities for the whole family in Dublin?

    As an expat, what are your methods in Dublin? How do you manage your time between family and work?

    Have you found extracurricular activities? Is there a holiday club or activity center to enroll children? Are you rather indoors or outdoors? Have you found activities outside or do you have the possibility to organize yourself activities, coloring and crafts for the school holidays?

    Thank you in advance for sharing your experience in Dublin to help new expatriates to get organised. :cool::thumbup:
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