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Internship abroad

Many employers require foreign job candidates to have cross-cultural work experience as a prerequisite for hiring, so international internships are an ideal way for novices in a field to develop a strong employment background, learn relevant skills and know-how, add impressive material to a résumé/CV, and to gain a valuable edge over competing candidates. Most interns are degree-seeking students, although some people pursue an internship as a path to a career change. Many interns plan to pursue an international career upon graduation. But even for students who want to stay within his or her country after earning a degree, foreign internships really stand out on a résumé/CV. A work setting in a foreign country gives an intern another insight into the culture of the host country, and to the global community at large.

International internships are a great alternative to study-abroad programs, which demand at least a semester or academic year spent in the host country. Foreign internships can be arranged for any time of the year and for shorter durations. This makes it possible for students to gain international experience even if they have responsibilities, financial obligations and specific degree schedules which limit the time and resources they can devote to world travel. Other benefits of interning overseas are similar to the ones offered by any study, work, or teaching position abroad. Once you've decided that you want to pursue an international internship, you will need to clearly identify what you want and need from such an experience.

Internship programs will require that you submit a résumé/CV and cover letter, and many will want letters of recommendation. University students can use the Career Centre as a good resource to help get the necessary documents together. You will of course need a valid passport. In addition, persons wishing to attend school, university or other institutions of learning in South Africa can obtain a study permit. The studies need not be full-time, and holders of a study permit for higher education may take up part-time work of up to 20 hours per week. Persons wishing to spend an academic sabbatical or conduct academic research in South Africa may obtain an extended visitor's permit valid for a period of up to 3 years, provided they have sufficient financial means to support themselves during their stay. Note that there is no possibility of obtaining permanent residence on the grounds of studies, education or research.

Useful addresses

Environmental Science Associates Hands on project experience for interns wishing to broaden their knowledge and experience in the field of environmental http://www.internabroad.com/listingsp3.cfm/listing/56765

Global Internship Placement Agency Internship placements in all study ranges. Most offered positions are in the business areas like Marketing, Sales, Finance. http://www.internabroad.com/listingsp3.cfm/listing/36551

International Internship & Volunteer Network Independent & PreMed Internship & Volunteer Programs with the International Internship & Volunteer Network http://www.internabroad.com/listingsp3.cfm/listing/17196

General Internship Resources


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