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Panama City


Courses for Adults and Evening Class

There are many language schools and courses in Panama. But there are other types courses that adults can take as well. Here is a list of some courses offered in the prime expat locations of the country:

Also see our article on Language courses.

Universities in Panama

The application process for a university varies from school to school. Some might have more extensive application procedures than others. Most universities, particularly the international schools, require passing an entrance exam. Students also must have finished secondary school, but secondary school grade requirements vary.

Most international schools will ask students to apply through the online portal Common Application or Universities and Colleges Admission Services (UCAS). But one must not apply through both. In order to be considered, students should also have an international baccalaureate diploma (IB) or A-Levels.

Applicants holding a técnico degree (engineering degree) from secondary school with strong grades can also be considered. Documents required for the application process are as follows:

Some reputable universities in Panama are:

International Universities in Panama

When it comes to countries with satellite international universities, Panama should be top of mind to those interested in studying abroad. There is a plethora of international schools in Panama City, as well as David.

Some of these reputable universities are:

Libraries in Panama

Library is biblioteca in Spanish and they can be found throughout the country, particularly in large cities.

The largest public library in Panama City, which is also the national library, is called Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá, (National Library of Panama). It acts as the legal deposit and copyright library for Panama and has been open since July 1942.


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